Dr. Bill Parker's public school experience, his commitment to student achievement and his positive outlook regarding success, are the attributes we look for in a candidate for such an important community position. Please join Judy and me in supporting and electing Dr. Bill Parker for AISD School Board, Place 7.
— Joe and Judy Farmer
Former Allen Councilman, Mayor, and Region 10 ESC Executive Director
— Jeanie Schulmeister
In the AISD School Board, Place 7, there are multiple candidates with varying levels of experience and training. Dr. Bill Parker’s background sets him apart from other candidates. Bill will bring his knowledge as an educator, school principal, Marine, father, and civic servant to the role and make sound decisions for Allen students, staff, and Allen residents. Experience matters.
Retired engineer and longtime Allen community volunteer
It’s my pleasure to endorse Dr. Bill Parker for Allen ISD Board Trustee, Place 7. Experience matters and as an educator/administrator, Bill understands problems facing public education today. He is committed to working for our students and our teachers. Bill wants to hear from constituents – and will listen to their concerns. This is a move in the right direction for our District. Please join me in supporting Dr. Bill Parker for AISD School Board, Place 7. — Robin Sedlacek
Allen City Council: 2007-2019
Being a long term Allen resident and business owner and being involved with city, school, chamber of commerce and charity organizations have given us a very strong background to evaluate candidates for election in our city. Dr. Bill Parker has the experiences of being both an educator and administrator in the Richardson school district seeing first hand both the strengths and weaknesses of the public educational process. As a parent of an Allen school child, he has a personal interest in the success of students in AISD. These attributes make Bill a perfect candidate for the AISD Board of Trustees. Please join us in supporting Bill for election to Place 7 and cast your ballots in his favor. — Dr. Jerry and Dawn Wilson
— Susan Olinger
I would like to endorse Dr. Bill Parker for the Allen ISD Board of Trustees. As a professional educator Dr. Parker will bring a wealth of knowledge and the voice of the educator to board discussions. School finance in Texas is an extremely complex subject, as a professional administrator Dr. Parker will bring an in depth of understanding on the subject that will allow him to hit the ground running where most new trustees would be required to climb a steep learning curve. The state funding formulas present unique challenges to the district. The state formulas tie virtually all funding increases to enrollment growth. Allen has reached a point where student growth has significantly slowed while teachers and staff expect and deserve yearly raises and costs continue to rise. Balancing these needs will require innovative solutions and a willingness to make tough decisions when needed. Dr. Parker's experience in a neighboring district that has faced similar challenges will be valuable in that regard. Finally, Bill is seeking the position of Trustee because he believes in public education. He does not have a political agenda other than to fight for public education.
Place 7 is a four way race. This race is a rare today as we the voters have a choice among several good candidates. That said, I am supporting Dr. Bill Parker!— Bob AckerWhen there are multiple candidates, I look closely at several things - (1) the candidate's background & experience, (2) the candidate's record of actually doing something for our schools and community, (3) the new perspective a candidate can bring to the table, and, perhaps most importantly, (4) a written and public campaign platform (pledge) that I can support. Bill Parker meets all of my benchmarks and will make a great Trustee!Bill has already proven to me that he is a listener, and he has a a great three point platform that is so badly needed in our divided District: (1) Improve transparency & engagement of community in decision-making; (2) Foster a return to civility in our schools; and (3) Provide common-sense leadership.Bill's 17 years in Public Education and his service in our community make him the ideal candidate for Place 7. He knows how school finance works, he has demonstrated creativity in response to disruptions including Covid and he fully understands the constraints of State Law/TEA Regulations. He will hit the ground running for us!Please join me in supporting him! Every vote counts - a person with 25% + 1 vote wins as Allen Board elections are a plurality!!!! YOUR vote is important!
Retired Asst. Fire Chief and Allen Resident since 1964
— Burton & Susan Gilliam
BECAUSE EXPERIENCE MATTERS…. Dr. Bill Parker has the experience in all aspects of education. A vote for him is a vote for the children in AISD.
Actor & Allen Legend
Bill Parker has a wealth of knowledge about education. He doesn’t have an agenda going in or represent a particular interest group. If you want someone that sees the total picture of the role of a board number in Allen ISD, then vote for Bill Parker for place 7. — Denise Jones
Retired Teacher & Administrator from AISD
To Whom It May Concern, It is with great pleasure that I write this letter to endorse Dr. Bill Parker for Allen ISD school board to represent Place 7. As a parent of a sophomore student in Allen high school, my son has had the privilege of being tutored by Dr. Bill in chemistry and I have seen firsthand the impact this have had on his education. Dr. Bill is an experienced educator with a unique ability to make chemistry come alive for students. His engaging teaching style, combined with his expertise in the subject matter, has made a significant difference in my son's academic performance. Each time my son comes home from his tutoring session with Dr. Bill he is confident with the material he initially struggled with. Dr. Bill has a way of simplifying complex concepts and breaking them down into understandable terms, which has helped my son to better grasp the material. I believe that Dr. Bill would make an excellent school board member. He has a passion for education and a deep understanding of the challenges facing students and educators in the classroom. As a tutor, he has a unique perspective on the needs of students and the importance of providing them with a high-quality education. If elected to the school board, I am confident that Dr. Bill would work tirelessly and endlessly to ensure that every student in our district has access to the best possible education. His dedication to the field of education, combined with his experience as a chemistry tutor, would be an asset to the board and our community as a whole. Sincerely, Joanna Mineart — Joanna Mineart
Public Education has become a Political Battleground that forgets the Goal should not be agendas on the far right or far left but the majority of students that sit in the middle of this see saw who need to be taken care. Dr. Parker is that voice of reason that lives this cause everyday and understands the Real Purpose…… OUR STUDENTS. — Brent Morton
Dr. Bill Parker is one of those rare, well-rounded, people in education. He is not just a passionate supporter of students and teachers, he also cares deeply for the community as well. He has a unique ability to balance the needs of the teachers, the students, the parents and the administration as a whole. — Shawn Strait
Public School Teacher (Retired)
As a lawyer and as a teacher I have found that there are places where partisan politics should never be allowed to infect: 1) our judicial branch and 2) public education. There are those within our communities who are actively engaging in an attempt to infect these areas with their partisan venom and if we allow them to sink their fangs into these areas it will be our children, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren who will suffer. Our local election is the frontline. Being on the frontline means we need a leader who is honest, will look out for the squad as a whole and not just themselves or any small faction, and can be trusted to make decisions that are best for the squad and not just themselves or any small faction. Therefore, the person I want leading us on the frontline is Dr. Bill Parker. Dr. Parker served his country as a Marine and after his service he went into education because our future rests on the shoulders of our kids. I have had the pleasure of knowing Bill for 4 years. He is not chained to any partisan agenda. He is honest and straightforward. He places the needs of his community before his own needs and will make decisions that are best for Allen ISD. And he will serve with honesty and integrity. So, if you are tired of manufactured fear; if you are sick of partisan politics infecting the education system; if you are feeling weary from all the conspiracy theories then Dr. Bill Parker is your man for Place 2, Allen ISD Board of Trustees. — Christopher Bufkin