Have you ever had legal issues?
Thank you for your question. I have never shied away from this question.
Seventeen years ago, I was under the influence of pain killers several weeks after a surgery to insert plates and screws in my left tibia. I was also a concealed handgun permit holder.
I fell asleep in a parking lot in my truck. I was arrested for DWI (Texas has no DUI statute). Because I also had my concealed handgun inside my truck, I was also charged with illegal possession of a handgun by a CHL holder. I pled no contest and was sentenced to fines and probation. I was given deferred adjudication on the weapons charge because there was no intent to do harm. It was a required "add-on" charge due to the circumstances.
In 2016, I was pulled over for drinking. I had been drinking, but made a bad choice to drive. I was found guilty and paid fines and completed probation.
I have changed my life and no longer place myself in those situations. I have sought forgiveness, and have received it. I continue to serve students, parents, and teachers every day without anyone questioning my character, ability, or sobriety.
I do understand that by addressing this question that it may cost us votes, but I will always be transparent and honest when discussing our candidacy.
Thank you!